SimSim SimSim SimSim SimSim SimSim
About us

Hight Quality NFT Collections

SimSim where art meets innovation, where Empowering creators and collectors through the power of NFTs.

We're more than just NFTs, we're a 6 year experience. Own a piece of the future with our limited-edition. Invest in innovation and creativity with our groundbreaking NFT collection. Join a passionate community of collectors and unlock exclusive benefits.Experience the next chapter of digital art ownership.

Our Speciality

Complete Solutions for your NFT

Together, we're building a vibrant NFT community. Join us!

Huge Collection

Our collection features 1,00,000 unique and the project has a strong social consciousness component.


High Quality

This collection by artist AI features mesmerizing generative art pieces that evolve and change over time.


Big Community

The artwork is top-notch, and the Deadfellaz project has a vibrant community of collectors and supporters.


Market Value

One of the largest NFT collections, by number of unique items with some selling for millions of dollars.


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step 1
Connect your wallet

Go to "Connect Wallet" option. Look for it in the header, navbar, or where you interact with NFTs (e.g., buying, minting). & then Choose your wallet. Select your installed wallet from the pop-up list. ater that Approve connection on us.

step 2
Buy your NFT

Explore Marketplaces Look for an NFT marketplace that suits your interests (OpenSea, Rarible, etc.) & then Find your NFT Browse collections and filter by price, category, or creator. after that Review the NFT Check details like description, artist, and ownership history.

step 3
Create collection

Go to "Create Collection" option & then Define collection details like Name, description, visuals (banner & image). and Optional royalty for future sales. Upload your NFTs Individual files & details for each NFT. Mint your NFTs Pay gas fees to create NFTs on blockchain. Launch your collection: Make NFTs discoverable for purchase.

step 4
Sell your NFT

Sell your NFT: Fixed price or auction?** List your NFT Connect your wallet, find "Sell" option, set price (fixed) or auction duration. Listing details, Describe your NFT, set category & royalty (optional fee on future sales). after that Review & Launch, Check fees, confirm listing to make your NFT visible for purchase. & then Promote (optional), Share on social media, join NFT communities, consider influencer promotion.

Our Speciality


AI Artwork
3D Digital Artwork
Virtual Artwork
World of Women
The Strange Art
King Of Pirates
3D Digital Artwork
The Strange Art
Road Map

The Journey of SimSim NFT

April 12, 2024
Idea Generation

When I was visiting a lot of NFT websites, I noticed design flaws in them as the website was loaded with functionality but still users were not coming towards it, then I thought why not create an attractively designed NFT collection. A website should be created which will remove these shortcomings forever and then I started thinking of a unique name for my website and suddenly a word came in my mind - "Khul Ja SimSim" SimSim, which was a treasure of gold and silver and then I We chose the name SimSim for our NFT collection because our website will also store a collection of many NFT assets which is like a treasure trove.

April 15, 2024
Tech Stack & assets Selection

First of all I chose Figma for website design, after that I chose the most used tech stack for building frontend projects which was HTML - CSS and JavaScript. After thati select fonts and then I used Pinterest for NFT related images and videos and visited many more website for images and video collection.

April 17, 2024
Front-End Design & Development

First created a user-friendly and attractive interface for SimSim in Figma and then used GSAP, Owl-Carousel animation, BootStrap, Jquery- along with HTML-CSS and JavaScript to develop interactive elements of the website for the front-end build. UI, also used tech stacks like Swiper-Bundle and then integrated their website with a blockchain wallet provider (for example, MetaMask) for wallet integration so users could connect their wallets and manage their NFTs. Can do.

May 02, 2024

Carefully tested all functionality (animations, UI, assets, scripting) on different browsers and devices to identify and fix bugs and ensure responsive working.

May 04, 2024

Deploy The "SimSim" on reliable web hosting service (GitHub - Vercel - Netlify) to make SimSim accessible to the world. & all set! SimSim is in front of you right now

Team Members

Our Amazing Team Members

Ashutosh Singh

Founder & CEO

Ashutosh Singh


Ashutosh Singh


Ashutosh Singh

3D Artist

We Are Partnered with Top Brands
What People Say

What People Say


Frequently Aksed Questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions and answers from partners and 3D artist. Please check this FAQ first before contacting us.

This is a tricky question. The cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility, so there's no guaranteed "good time" to invest. It depends on the specific cryptocurrency, your investment goals, and your risk tolerance. It's crucial to do your own research on market trends, the project behind the cryptocurrency, and understand the risks involved before investing.

Mining cryptocurrency involves using powerful computers to solve complex mathematical problems to verify transactions on a blockchain network. In return for solving these problems, miners are rewarded with new cryptocurrency. However, mining can be energy-intensive and require specialized hardware, making it less accessible for casual users. There are also cloud mining services, but these come with their own set of risks and fees.

The legal status of cryptocurrency varies around the world. Some countries have embraced it, while others have stricter regulations or outright bans. Generally, owning cryptocurrency itself is legal, but regulations surrounding its use can differ. It's important to check your local laws and tax implications before investing.

Despite the risks, cryptocurrency offers some potential advantages:
> Faster and cheaper transactions
> Transparency
> Decentralization

  • aria-controls: se le asigna al botón dentro del elemento <dt> y permite indicar cuál es el elemento que controla, es decir, el <dd>.
  • aria-expanded: le da contexto a las tecnologías asistivas para indicar si el elemento se encuentra expandido o contraido.

An NFT doesn't grant ownership of the physical asset it represents (like a painting or song). Instead, you own the unique digital token itself, which is recorded on the blockchain. This token acts as a certificate of authenticity and verifiable proof that you own that specific digital version of the asset. In some cases, NFTs might come with additional benefits like exclusive content, community access, or even commercial usage rights.

The value of an NFT is ultimately determined by what someone else is willing to pay for it. There's no inherent value in the digital asset itself, and the NFT market is still young and evolving. While some NFTs have fetched millions, many others hold little to no value. Before investing, carefully research the project behind the NFT, understand the potential utility and purpose it offers, and consider the artist or creator's reputation.Remember, invest responsibly and only what you can afford to lose.

NFTs are primarily bought and sold on online marketplaces. These platforms allow users to browse, purchase, and sell NFTs. Each marketplace has its own fees and functionalities, so it's important to compare and choose one that suits your needs. Most NFT marketplaces require users to have a crypto wallet funded with cryptocurrency (often Ethereum) to facilitate transactions.

The underlying technology, blockchain, offers a high level of security. The ownership record of an NFT is transparent and immutable on the blockchain. However, security risks can arise depending on how you store your NFT. Using a reputable NFT marketplace and a secure crypto wallet is crucial for protecting your investment.

  • aria-controls: se le asigna al botón dentro del elemento <dt> y permite indicar cuál es el elemento que controla, es decir, el <dd>.
  • aria-expanded: le da contexto a las tecnologías asistivas para indicar si el elemento se encuentra expandido o contraido.

An NFT collection is a group of digital assets, each represented by a unique non-fungible token (NFT) on a blockchain. These NFTs can be images, videos, audio files, or even interactive experiences. Think of them like baseball cards, but digital and one-of-a-kind.

Some of the most well-known NFT collections include Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), CryptoPunks, and Art Blocks Curated. These collections often feature profile picture (PFP) artwork and have a strong celebrity following.

People buy NFTs for a variety of reasons. Some see them as a potential investment, hoping their value will increase over time. Others value the community and social connections associated with certain collections. There's also a growing interest in NFTs for their utility, such as access to exclusive events or digital content.

NFT collections are typically bought and sold on online marketplaces like OpenSea or Rarible. These platforms allow users to browse collections, view individual NFTs, and participate in auctions or direct sales. Remember, the NFT market can be volatile, so do your research before buying.

  • aria-controls: se le asigna al botón dentro del elemento <dt> y permite indicar cuál es el elemento que controla, es decir, el <dd>.
  • aria-expanded: le da contexto a las tecnologías asistivas para indicar si el elemento se encuentra expandido o contraido.

Bitcoin is a specific type of cryptocurrency, like a brand name. Crypto trading refers to buying and selling any cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, Ethereum, or others, hoping to profit from price fluctuations.

Yes, crypto trading is generally considered high-risk. Cryptocurrency markets are known for their volatility, meaning prices can swing wildly in a short time. This can lead to significant losses if you're not careful.

Before diving in, it's crucial to do your research. Understand the basics of blockchain technology and how cryptocurrencies work. Research different crypto projects and choose ones you believe have potential. Remember, never invest more than you can afford to lose.

Cryptocurrency exchanges are online platforms where you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies. Popular options include Coinbase, Binance, and Kraken. These platforms have varying fees and features, so compare them before choosing one. Remember, these exchanges may not be available in all regions.

  • aria-controls: se le asigna al botón dentro del elemento <dt> y permite indicar cuál es el elemento que controla, es decir, el <dd>.
  • aria-expanded: le da contexto a las tecnologías asistivas para indicar si el elemento se encuentra expandido o contraido.

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